Week 8 | Use of Hashtags
For the batting cage facility images do the best for the business hands down, having images of baseball players hitting and fielding draw attention to the business. If utilized properly I have seen multiple different pages in the industry use some very effective post and use of Instagram, but have seen the complete opposite of usage and not use it to the full potential. If you are going to have an Instagram in this business one post a day is necessary to build the brand and drive customers to want to come in and spend money at your establishment. I believe it is as simple as taking a bat, batting gloves, and a fielding glove laying them on the turf, and getting shot of them. With this image, you can post the items are for sale and the price of them, or you can just post it as here at the cage getting my work in. Either way, it will bring attention to the business, along with attention comes business so bring as much to the social media page.
I do see Instagram is effective for some of the businesses that use it often, if you start a business on Instagram and you do not utilize it for months I believe that will deter people from coming. One of the pages did not use any hashtags on any of their pictures and they had lots of pictures too. The other few did use some hashtags that were generic to baseball but not to softball. I also see one Instagram where they basically use the same hashtags on every single post, which I understand is great but at the same time, you need to mix it up. I believe when it comes to baseball/softball using multiple tags and changing it up is great. None of the businesses started a hashtag which included their business name. I think that is super productive and can be used in great ways for your patrons of the business. With The Farm, it will have a hashtag and I will tell customers to use our hashtag and at end of each month, the person that uses the hashtag the most will get a gift certificate to the business. That will drive more people to use the hashtag and will help bring more people to the page and more people to the page the more people come to the business.
The Instagram accounts have a wide range of difference in the followers it has, one of the businesses has almost 10k followers, another one has under 1000 followers and the other one has close to 5k followers. The difference in the number of posts by the businesses is so much more often, one posts multiple times a month the other doesn't post but maybe once a month and the last has not posted since the end of 2019. The three businesses don't use it effective enough I believe because the one that posts most often doesn't even use hashtags. The one that hasn't posted since last year used so many hashtags.
The page that has the most post and doesn't have hashtags but has the most followers post are a variety of post. the post that gets the most likes is just different ball fields, players, and batters. The post that they do of text and different events and stuff business-related are the ones that do not get as many likes or comments. So the people that are interacting with the page are mainly into images of baseball. It is honestly interesting to see that only 5-10 percent of the followers interact with the posts on the page and that is being a little generous because some of the posts are as low as 1 percent. I have not found very many pages that ever really have a bunch of comments on Instagram I believe it is more of just alike of image versus comment on images.
The biggest thing I am taking from this research is that posts need to be eye-catching and not blain. It is important to post images that are appealing, grab attention, and are related to the sport. I want to make sure that my posts get the attention and get the hashtag usage for people to see my images often and like my post. The following are just some of the hashtags I would use:
#baseball #softball #baseballisLife #softballisLife #braves
#homerun #5toolbaseballplayer #booombah #strikeout
#theFarmhitting #battingcage
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